• IEEE 1849-2016

IEEE 1849-2016

  • IEEE Standard for eXtensible Event Stream (XES) for Achieving Interoperability in Event Logs and Event Streams
  • standard by IEEE, 11/11/2016
  • Category: IEEE

$61.00 $31.00

New IEEE Standard - Active.A grammar for a tag-based language whose aim is to provide designers of information systems with a unified and extensible methodology for capturing systemsa?? behaviors by means of event logs and event streams is defined in the XES standard. An a??XML Schemaa?? describing the structure of an XES event log/stream and a a??XML Schemaa?? describing the structure of an extension of such a log/stream are included in this standard. Moreover, a basic collection of so-called a??XES extensiona?? prototypes that provide semantics to certain attributes as recorded in the event log/stream is included in this standard.

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