• IEEE 1901.2a-2015

IEEE 1901.2a-2015

  • IEEE Standard for Low-Frequency (less than 500 kHz) Narrowband Power Line Communications for Smart Grid Applications - Amendment
  • Amendment by IEEE, 10/02/2015
  • Category: IEEE

$51.00 $26.00

Amendment Standard - Active.Changes to clarify how and when to encrypt header and payload information elements, update the interleaver design in order to eliminate some drawbacks in certain channels, a new PHY data primitive attribute so sub-band SNR data can be obtained from the PHY, modification to the frame counter size for security to make it consistent with IEEE Std 802.15.4e(TM)-2012, and adding a beacon attribute and change the zero crossing detector text are addressed in thisamendment.

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IEEE 155-1960

IEEE 155-1960

IEEE Standards on Circuits: Definitions of Terms for Linear Signal Flow Graphs, 1960..

$53.00 $105.00

IEEE 190-1960

IEEE 190-1960

IEEE Standard Methods of Testing Monochrome Television Broadcast Receivers..

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IEEE 206-1960

IEEE 206-1960

IEEE Standards on Television: Measurement of Differential Gain and Differential Phase..

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IEEE 175-1960

IEEE 175-1960

IRE Standards on Nuclear Techniques: Definitions for the Scintillation Counter Field, 1960..

$26.00 $51.00