• IEEE 260.4-2018

IEEE 260.4-2018

  • IEEE Standard for Letter Symbols and Abbreviations for Quantities Used in Acoustics
  • standard by IEEE, 02/28/2019
  • Category: IEEE

$98.00 $49.00

Revision Standard - Active.Tables of letter symbols and abbreviations for quantities in the science and technology of acoustics are contained in this standard. Recommendations for their use are also provided. Specialties within acoustics that make use of the letter symbols and abbreviations within this standard include, but are not limited to: speech, hearing, music, noise control, vibration, shock, sonar, and transducers. Although remarks and limited short-form information are provided for many of the symbols and abbreviations contained in this standard, definitions and methods of calculating the various quantities are outside the scope of this standard.

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NAS 1766

NAS 1766

Nut, Self-Locking, Plate - Corner, Counterbored, Floating, 125 Ksi Ftu, 450F and 800F..

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NAS 1801

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Screw, Hex Head, Cruciform Recess, Full Thread, Alloy Steel, 160,000 Psi Tensile..

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