• IEEE 3001.2-2017

IEEE 3001.2-2017

  • IEEE Recommended Practice for Evaluating the Electrical Service Requirements of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
  • standard by IEEE, 05/10/2018
  • Category: IEEE

$97.00 $49.00

New IEEE Standard - Active.Commercial, institutional, and industrial design of electrical services, interconnecting with a utility distribution or transmission system is explored. The electrical system information needed by the designer concerning the utilitya??s system characteristics, and the electrical load information needed by the utility to design a satisfactory electrical interface between the serving utility and the premise electrical distribution system is considered

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SAE J1930DA_201203

SAE J1930DA_201203

J1930 Electrical/Electronic Systems Diagnostic Terms, Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms Web T..

$252.00 $503.00

SAE J1499_201203

SAE J1499_201203

SAE Band Friction Test Machine Guidelines (Stabilized: Mar 2012)..

$41.00 $81.00

SAE J1646_201203

SAE J1646_201203

Glossary of Terms - Lubricated Friction Systems (Stabilized: Mar 2012)..

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SAE J2489_201203

SAE J2489_201203

SAE No. 2 Friction Test Machine Durability Test (Stabilized: Mar 2012)..

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