• IEEE 383-2003

IEEE 383-2003

  • IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Electric Cables and Field Splices for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
  • standard by IEEE, 06/10/2004
  • Category: IEEE

$81.00 $41.00

Revision Standard - Superseded.This standard provides general requirements, direction, and methods for qualifying Class1E electric cables, field splices, factory splices, and factory rework for service in nuclear power generating stations. Categories of cables covered are those used for power, control, and instrumentation services, including signal and communication cables. Field cables, wires, and splices are within the scope of this standard. Cables, wires, and splices within or integral to other devices(e.g., instruments, panels, motors, etc.) should be qualified using the requirements in the applicable device standard or IEEE Std 323TM-1983, as appropriate. However, this standard's requirements may be applied to the wire and cable within these devices.

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