• IEEE 610.2-1987

IEEE 610.2-1987

  • IEEE Standard Glossary of Computer Applications Terminology
  • standard by IEEE, 05/29/1987
  • Category: IEEE

$57.00 $29.00

New IEEE Standard - Inactive-Withdrawn.Terms currently in use in the computer field are identified, and standard definitions are established for them. Topics covered include automated language processing, automatic indexing, business data processing, character recognition, computer-aided design and manufacturing, computer- assisted instruction, control systems, critical path method, library automation, medical applications, micrographics, office automation, operations research, personal computing, scientific and engineering applications, telecommunications applications, and word processing. The terms included in this glossary are intended for users of computer systems. Terms were excluded if they were considered to be parochial to one group or organization; company-proprietary or trademarked; multiword terms whose meaning could be inferred from the definitions of the component words; or terms whose meaning in the computer field could be directly inferred from their standard English meaning.

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