• IEEE 622B-1988

IEEE 622B-1988

  • IEEE Recommended Practice for Testing and Startup Procedures for Electric Heat Tracing Systems for Power Generating Stations
  • standard by IEEE, 02/21/1989
  • Category: IEEE

$156.00 $78.00

New IEEE Standard - Inactive-Withdrawn.Withdrawn February 2006. Recommendations that may be used to ensure that an electric heat tracing system is installed correctly, is properly tested and commissioned, and is functioning correctly are provided. The recommendations cover the sequence for testing materials and components of the electric heat tracing system, installation, preoperational testing of the system, verification of system performance, and the necessary records to be filed. Although this standard is written for power generating stations, the techniques presented can be used on electric heat tracing systems in any application.

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IEEE 24748-2-2012

IEEE 24748-2-2012

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