- Active.INCLUDES THE ENTIRE COLOR BOOK STANDARDS SERIES: IEEE Red Book (IEEE STD 141-1993), IEEE Green Book (IEEE STD 142-1991), IEEE Gray Book (IEEE STD 241-1990), IEEE Buff Book (IEEE STD 242-2001), IEEE Brown Book (IEEE STD 399-1997), IEEE Orange Book (IEEE STD 446-1995), IEEE Gold Book (IEEE STD 493-2007), IEEE Violet Book (IEEE Std 551-2006), IEEE White Book (IEEE STD 602-2007), IEEE Bronze Book (IEEE STD 739-1995), IEEE Yellow Book (IEEE STD 902-1998), IEEE Blue Book (IEEE STD 1015-2006), IEEE Emerald Book (IEEE STD 1100-2005). Replaces the previous set - STDPT95566.

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