• IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards (Active & Archive) Collection: VuSpec(TM)

IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards (Active & Archive) Collection: VuSpec(TM)

  • Secure PDF Files
  • standard by IEEE, 09/01/2017
  • Category: IEEE

$2,290.00 $1,145.00

- Active.This professional grade VuSpec product features an exclusive array of essential content and features. With this limited edition VuSpec, you get all of the following:- An easy-to-use user interface with convenient links and navigation. It's like having your own personal EMC intranet with integrated online links for your ultimate convenience- Downloadable standards - An electronic glossary of terms with official definitions- An index that guides you by keyword- Multiple search modes for quick finds or complete searches through all the content at once- An Overview of IEEE EMC Standards featuring live links directly to standards and related content- A special paper on the History of EMC Regulatory BodiesContains 52 active and 67 archive IEEE Standards, Guides, Recommended Practices, Interpretations and Errata for Electromagnetic Compatibility. Visit http://standards.ieee.org/findstds/prod/cds/emc.pdf for a complete list of standards in this bundle.

All of our standards document are available in PDF (Portable Document Format), an electronic, downloadable format.You will be able to download the file in your account downloads.

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