• IEEE Power Substations Standards Collection: VuSpec

IEEE Power Substations Standards Collection: VuSpec

  • standard by IEEE, 05/24/2013
  • Category: IEEE

$650.00 $325.00

- Active.IEEE Power Substations Standards Collection included active standards covering switching stations, transformer stations, and generating station switchyards. IEEE Substations Standards Collection is a single source for design construction and operation of power substations. IEEE Substations Standards Collection contain 51 active IEEE Standards, Guides, and Recommended Practices, Errata & Interpretations for Power Substations, it also allows for easy full text searching on a signal standard or all standards at the same time. For a complete listing of standards go to http://standards.ieee.org/findstds/prod/cds/substation.pdf. LICENSING: SINGLE-USER EDITION: THIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED FOR ONE USER ONLY.

All of our standards document are available in PDF (Portable Document Format), an electronic, downloadable format.You will be able to download the file in your account downloads.

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ULC Subject 531

ULC Subject 531

STANDARD FOR SMOKE ALARMS (Bulletin, 2/10/2014)..

$84.00 $167.00

ULC 601

ULC 601

Standard for Shop Fabricated Steel Aboveground Horizontal Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquid..

$157.00 $314.00

ULC 101

ULC 101

Standard Methods of Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials (CAN/ULC S101-14)..

$142.00 $283.00

ULC Subject 60743

ULC Subject 60743

(Bulletin, 6/3/2014)..

$87.00 $174.00