• IEEE Surge Protective Devices Standards Collection: VuSpec(TM)

IEEE Surge Protective Devices Standards Collection: VuSpec(TM)

  • standard by IEEE, 09/15/2015
  • Category: IEEE

$680.00 $340.00

- Active.IEEE Surge Protective Devices Standards Collection: VuSpec represents the most complete resource available for professional engineers looking for best practices and techniques covers content for treatment of all matters in which the dominant factors are the design, construction, testing, safety, preparation of standards and guides, selection, application and integration of protective devices with auxiliary systems and equipment (such as shield wires, lightning masts, etc.) designed to prevent damage and/or outages to electrical power generation, transmission, distribution, utilization and communication systems, and associated equipment due to transient overvoltages, transient currents, temporary overvoltages and temporary fault currents. Excluded are interrupting devices with and without current-limiting ability. Includes 32 active IEEE standards, guides and recommended practices, errata & interpretations in the Surge Protective Device family. Visit http://standards.ieee.org/findstds/prod/cds/surge.pdf for a listing of the contents. (Save over 70% if purchased separately.)

All of our standards document are available in PDF (Portable Document Format), an electronic, downloadable format.You will be able to download the file in your account downloads.

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