• IES DG-4-03

IES DG-4-03

  • Design Guide for Roadway Lighting Maintenance
  • Handbook / Manual / Guide by Illuminating Engineering Society, 1
  • Category: IES

$35.00 $18.00

The primary purpose of roadway lighting is to providea safe nighttime environment for vehicular and pedestriantraffic. For a lighting system to operate at maximumeffectiveness, the lighting system's maintenancemust be considered and included during the systemdesign process. Once a system has been designedand installed, proper maintenance then becomesessential to the reliability and continued high performanceof the roadway lighting system.


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IES DG-10-98

IES DG-10-98

Choosing Light Sources for General Lighting..

$80.00 $160.00

IES RP-20-98

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Lighting for Parking Facilities..

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