• IES RP-37-15

IES RP-37-15

  • Outdoor Lighting for Airport Environments
  • standard by Illuminating Engineering Society, 11/08/2015
  • Category: IES

$65.00 $33.00

This IES Recommended Practice (RP) has been prepared as a guide for the application of fixed outdoor lighting in and around the airport environment with respect to the airport's special requirements. These requirements include (but are not limited to):
  • 1. Height restrictions (such as obstructions affecting navigable airspace) as defined by the governing civil aviation authorities
  • 2. The ability to distinguish color of light for visual cues
  • 3. Light trespass that may interfere with visibility of Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) controllers or pilots
The air traffic controllers need to see approaching aircraft and aircraft performing ground operations within the "aircraft movement area" without glare or direct or indirect light trespass. Pilots also need the ability to detect runway lighting without glare or direct or indirect light trespass.
IES RP-37-15 provides guidance for dealing with the preceding considerations, while being cognizant to provide an adequate and safe lighted environment for aircraft servicing, pedestrian and vehicular movement in and around the airport environment.
This document is not intended to supersede any civil aviation regulations, government regulations, occupational safety and health requirements or the authority having jurisdiction.
Other IES standards provide recommended practices and design guidelines for specific outdoor lightingapplications. This document is not intended to supersede these other applicable IES RPs; rather it is intended to supplement them to meet the specific needs of the airport environment.
IES RP-37-15 is to be used in conjunction with appropriate energy codes and environmental sustainable design practices in use for the facility. Recommendations within the appropriate sections are included for basic information to provide guidance of key issues for consideration.
The purpose of this recommended practice is:
  • 1. Airside - Provide for adequately lighted areas where parked aircraft are safely serviced; aircraft crew and passengers safely board and deplane, and where cargo operations are conducted;
  • 2. Landside - Provide for adequately lighted access roads and parking areas for safety and security of pedestrians and vehicles;
  • 3. Adjacent Development - Provide guidance for lighting in the vicinity of the airport (including areas outside the airport property line), while also taking into account the special needs of the airport environment, such as heightrestrictions and potential light interference with air traffic controller and/or pilot vision.
The scope of outdoor lighting in the airport environment includes aircraft stands and apron areas, roadways,vehicular parking facilities, passenger loading and unloading areas as well as pedestrian walkways. The recommendations included in IES RP-37-15 provide guidance for lighting of these areas while emphasizing the restrictions, regulations, and best practices for the safe movement of aircraft.
IES RP-37-15 does not provide guidance for Aeronautical Ground Lighting systems, such as Runway, Taxiway and Approach Lighting, and is not intended to be used for lighting designs for Heliports (refer to Annex F - Glossary).

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