• IES TM-36-18

IES TM-36-18

  • Technical Memorandum on the Use of Solid State Lighting in Sports Lighting Applications
  • standard by Illuminating Engineering Society, 10/22/2018
  • Category: IES

$40.00 $20.00

This document is intended to be a supplement to the IES RP-6-15, Recommended Practice for Sports and Recreational Area Lighting. RP-6-15 covers design and application information critical to sports lighting that is not contained in this document. This document should not be used as a replacement for RP-6-15. This document presents light sources that are relatively new to the lighting industry and are currently being used or considered for use in sports and recreational lighting applications. Where appropriate, the new sources will be compared and contrasted with traditional sources. This document is meant to focus on mainly recreational sports lighting, encompassing the same breadth of projects as noted in RP-6-15. The lighting requirements for professional sports and the related broadcasting issues are not addressed in this document.
It is intended that this information or an update of this information will be included in the next version of RP-6. However at this time it is felt that these new sources are significantly different from traditional sources that a separate document clarifying the differences and their impact should be issued.

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