• IoT Webinar: A Manager's Guide to Augmented Reality (1-User License)

IoT Webinar: A Manager's Guide to Augmented Reality (1-User License)

  • Secure PDF Files
  • Training Material by National Electrical Manufacturers Associati
  • Category: NEMA

$79.00 $40.00

Please note: When you purchase this item, you will download a PDF that contains access information to this webinar.
In 2018, NEMA launched the IoTNOW webinar series as part of its Strategic Initiatives Program. The series addresses the challenges and opportunities posed by increased connectivity and automation in the workplace, in the electric grid, and in smart cities.
The IoTNOW webinars include practical guidance on how to develop a system-based approach to energy efficiency in buildings and how a modernized electric grid can save consumers money.
The first webinar in the series, A Manager's Guide to Augmented Reality assesses the importance of AR and how to incorporate it into the digital supply chain.

All of our standards document are available in PDF (Portable Document Format), an electronic, downloadable format.You will be able to download the file in your account downloads.

Multi-User Access

After purchasing, you have the ability to assign each license to a specific user.


At any time, you are permitted to make printed copies for your and your members' reference use.

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