• ISA 12.13.01-2000

ISA 12.13.01-2000

  • Performance Requirements for Combustible Gas Detectors
  • standard by The International Society of Automation, 04/01/2000
  • Category: ISA

$196.00 $98.00

This standard addresses the details of construction, performance, and testing of portable, mobile, andstationary electrical instruments used for sensing the presence of combustible gas or vapor concentrationsin ambient air in non-residential applications. Parts of such instruments may be installed or operated inClass I hazardous (classified) locations and gaseous mines in accordance with codes and standardsspecified by authorities having jurisdiction. (See annex A.)

This standard applies to line-voltage operated instruments rated at 600 V nominal or less, and to portable, mobile, or stationary-type instruments utilizing a battery of a nonrechargeable (primary) type or a rechargeable (secondary) type.

This standard addresses combustible gas detection instruments intended to provide an indication oralarm, the purpose of which is to give a warning of potential hazard.
This standard does not address gas detection instruments of the laboratory or scientific type used foranalysis or measurement, instruments used for process control and process monitoring purposes, open path(line of sight) area monitors, or instruments used for residential purposes.
This standard is written for gas detection instruments that are intended to measure gas concentrationsin air in the range from zero up to the lower flammable (explosive) limit.
For instruments used for sensing the presence of multiple gases, this standard applies only to theportion sensing the presence of combustible gas or vapor.

This standard provides minimum requirements for the performance of non-residential combustiblegas detection instruments and thereby enhances the safety of operations employing these instruments.

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ISA 75.16-1994

ISA 75.16-1994

Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flanged Globe-Style Control Valve Bodies : ANSI Classes 125, 150, 250, 3..

$25.00 $50.00