• ISA-88 Batch Standards and User Resources
  • standard by The International Society of Automation, 01/01/2007
  • Category: ISA

$195.00 $98.00

About this Item

A wealth of information on one CD-ROM, the new ISA-88 Batch Standards and User Resources compiles the essential ISA batch systems standards, reference books, and other important information (e.g., technical papers) for the industrial automation and control systems professional. The CD-ROM includes the following:


  • ISA-88.01-1995 (R2006), Batch Control Part 1: Models and Terminology
  • ANSI/ISA-88.00.02-2001, Batch Control Part 2: Data Structures and Guidelines for Languages
  • ANSI/ISA-88.00.03-2003, Batch Control Part 3: General and Site Recipe Models and Representation
  • ANSI/ISA-88.00.04-2006, Batch Control Part 4: Batch Production Records
  • ISA-TR88.0.03-1996, Possible Recipe Procedure Presentation Formats

Reference Books

  • Applying S88: Batch Control from a User's Perspective, covering all aspects ofISA-88.01-1995 (R2006) in a clear, user-friendly language
  • Batch Control Systems - Design, Application, and Implementation, 2nd Edition,an indispensable tool for designers, control engineers, project engineers, and managers who desire to achieve the full cost and production benefits of implementing the ISA-88 series
  • Control of Batch Processes (Chapter 14 in A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge, 2nd Edition), covering the basics of batch processing, describing how the ISA-88 standards relate to batch control, and introducing modules and recipes
  • Design Patterns for Flexible Manufacturing, defining an effective set of design patterns and rules for applying the ISA-88 standards to batch manufacturing and to continuous and discrete manufacturing

All of our standards document are available in PDF (Portable Document Format), an electronic, downloadable format.You will be able to download the file in your account downloads.

Multi-User Access

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At any time, you are permitted to make printed copies for your and your members' reference use.

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