• MSS SP-112-2016 (Hardcopy Includes Comparator)

MSS SP-112-2016 (Hardcopy Includes Comparator)

  • Quality Standard for Evaluation of Cast Surface Finishes - Visual and Tactile Method (Hardcopy Includes Comparator)
  • standard by Manufacturers Standardization Society, 11/01/2016
  • Category: MSS

$90.00 $45.00

a) To establish an easy "sight and feel" method for the quality evauation of cast surface finishes.
b) To make available a Cast Surface Comparator with MSS surface rating numbers 1 through 10, to be used to monitor surface finish by a visual and tactile method.
c) To provide guidance on surface finish by "sight and feel" to minimize misunderstandings which may occur between purchaser and manufacturer.
1.1 This surface quality Standard Practice provides criteria for the visual and tactile evaluation of cleanedAS-CAST surface finishes of components manufactured from castings.
1.2 This Standard Practice and its supporting MSS Cast Surface Comparator may be applied to surfacesformed by any casting method.
1.3 This Standard Practice provides visual and tactile criteria for evaluating casting surface finish andtexture, which can be used to develop an acceptable quality level.
1.4 Cast surfaces on materials such as gray iron, ductile iron, bronze, and malleable iron may becompared with the use of this Standard Practice; however, it is not the intention of this Standard Practiceto limit comparisons to only these types of materials.
1.5 This Standard Practice does not apply to machined surfaces or those surfaces that are intended to bemachined.
1.6 This Standard Practice is limited to "sight and feel" by comparison without measurement. Luster andcolor are not part of this Standard Practice.
1.7 This Standard Practice is not intended for use on those castings where burn-in, slag, scabs, etc. sodistort the surface that the comparator cannot be used and the casting may be rejected for other causes.

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