• NACE 01104

NACE 01104

  • Electrochemical Realkalization of Steel-Reinforced Concrete - A State-of-the-Art Report
  • Report / Survey by National Association of Corrosion Engineers,
  • Category: NACE

$33.00 $17.00

The purpose of this technical committee report is to presentstate-of-the-art information on electrochemical realkalization(ER) for conventionally reinforced concrete structures.Included are discussions of common industry practicesused by design engineers to control corrosion of reinforcingsteel in portland cement concrete structures through theapplication of ER. This report is intended for use by engineersattempting to protect corroding reinforced concretestructures by use of electrochemical treatment techniques.The information presented in this report is limited to ER foratmospherically exposed reinforced concrete and is notapplicable to prestressed or post-tensioned elements orconcrete containing epoxy-coated reinforcing steel, galvanized,or other coated or nonferrous reinforcement.

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