• NACE 7G181

NACE 7G181

  • Investigation of the Effects of Corrosion-Inhibiting Treatments on Mechanical Seals in Recirculating Hot Water Systems
  • Report / Survey by National Association of Corrosion Engineers,
  • Category: NACE

$188.00 $94.00

The purpose of this technical committee report is topresent the results of an investigation of the effects ofchemical water treatment on single-face mechanicalseals in recirculating hot water systems. The study wasdone following the publication in 1970 of NACEPublication 7A170, "Causes of Failure of Rotary ShaftSeals in Cooling and Heating System Pumps." Thatreport was published by Unit Committee T-7A on CoolingWater after that committee had conducted a symposiumon the subject, held various panel discussions, reviewedliterature, and investigated numerous case histories.Conclusions reported by the committee suggested thatthe following appeared to be major causes for prematurefailure of single-face mechanical seals in water pumpsnot equipped with seal chambers:- Improper installation of seal or pump- Operating dry or partially dry- Suspended solids in circulating water- Excessively high water temperature

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