NACE SP0507-2007
- NACE/PODS Joint Standard Practice External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA) Integrity Data Exchange (IDX) Format
- standard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 11/05/2
- Category: NACE
1.1.2 ECDA-related data elements to cover a widevariety of data capture needs are presented. Not allfields need to be used in all applications. The purposeof this standard is to provide a standard field namingand unit format convention (i.e., data dictionary) forusing the various ECDA indirect inspection dataelements.
1.1.3 This standard presents an open format that isintended to accommodate the widest probable range ofvariables that might be required to document an ECDAsurvey and subsequent investigation. It is notnecessary to enter data or comments in all of the datafields--only those applicable to the current study orthose necessary to meet operator requirements. Thisformat also acts as a checklist to remind thesurveyor(s) of necessary information to be gathered.

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