• National Electrical Safety Code (NESC): The Archives (1973-2007) Limited Edition VuSpec CD-ROM - Single User

National Electrical Safety Code (NESC): The Archives (1973-2007) Limited Edition VuSpec CD-ROM - Single User

  • standard by IEEE, 11/08/2010
  • Category: IEEE

$1,072.00 $536.00

New IEEE Standard - Active.SINGLE-USER EDITION: THIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED FOR ONE USER ONLY. Containing all editions of the National Electrical Safety Code in effect from 1973 to 2007, NESC: The Archives (1973-2007) is an invaluable authoritative resource on safety requirements for power, communications, telephone, cable TV, and railroad signal systems. Offered together for the first time on this Limited Edition user-friendly VuSpec CD-ROM, NESC: The Archives (1973-2007) embodies the expertise and hard work of the engineers who revised each edition. for a complete list of contents go to http://standards.ieee.org/findstds/prod/cds/nesc_1973.pdf. LICENSING: SINGLE-USER EDITION: THIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED FOR ONE USER ONLY.

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