• NEMA BWCP 1-2017

NEMA BWCP 1-2017

  • White Paper on Aluminum Conductors Used for Building Wire and Cable
  • standard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 09/28
  • Category: NEMA

$167.00 $84.00

Describes the history of the discovery, application and acceptance of the AA-8000 series of aluminum conductors for building wire and cable applications. This series of alloys was discovered to have excellent characteristics with respect to strength, ductility, and thermal stability.

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NEMA LSD 79-2018

NEMA LSD 79-2018

White Paper on Predicted Energy Savings from Lighting Systems..

$98.00 $195.00

NEMA LSD 66-2017

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White Paper on Understanding the New Fluorescent Ballast Rule EPCA 10 CFR 430..

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NEMA WT 1-2018

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