• NRC CONST-56249


  • Illustrated User's Guide - NBC 2015: Part 9 of Division B, Housing and Small Buildings
  • standard by National Research Council Canada, 2018
  • Category: NRC

$20.00 $10.00

The purpose of this Guide is to help Code users understand and apply the provisions in Part 9 of the NationalBuilding Code of Canada 2015 (NBC). It is a companion document to NBC Part 9-not a stand-alone document.
This Guide has no legal status and is not intended for formal adoption: its purpose is solely informational.Sketches and diagrams illustrate principles only; other methods of satisfying the requirements may be equallyvalid. If there are cases where text in the Guide conflicts with a requirement in the NBC, the NBC requirementgoverns.

All of our standards document are available in PDF (Portable Document Format), an electronic, downloadable format.You will be able to download the file in your account downloads.

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At any time, you are permitted to make printed copies for your and your members' reference use.



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