- National Fire Code of Canada 2005
- standard by National Research Council Canada, 01/01/2005
- Category: NRC
The NFC sets out the technical provisions regulating:
- Activities related to the construction, use or demolition of buildings and facilities
- The condition of specific elements of buildings and facilities
- The design or construction of specific elements of facilities related to certain hazards
- Protection measures for the current or intended use of buildings
New information has been added to make the 2005 NFC clearer, easier to apply to existing buildings and facilities and more accommodating to innovation. It explains the objectives that the Code's provisions are intended to achieve and describes the functions that a building or facility must perform to fulfill these objectives.
The NFC also has a new organizational layout that comprises three divisions: Divisions A, B and C. Division A includes the compliance options, the objectives and the functional statements. Division B contains the provisions-now referred to as "acceptable solutions"-relating to such issues as building and occupant fire safety, indoor and outdoor storage, flammable and combustible liquids, hazardous processes and operations, fire protection equipment, and fire emergency systems in high buildings. Division C contains administrative provisions.
Includes revisions and errata released on December 1, 2007 and June 20, 2008

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