NRC NRCC 56170
- Alberta Building Code - 2014
- standard by National Research Council Canada, 2014
- Category: NRC
The Alberta Building Code 2014 (ABC) sets out technical provisions for the design and construction of new buildings. It also applies to the alteration, change of use and demolition of existing buildings. The ABC complements the Alberta Fire Code 2014, and both are indispensable for building officials, educators and professionals in the construction industry.
New information has been added to the ABC 2014 to make it more accommodating to innovation, including:
- A new occupancy classification known as "B3" to address the demand for a more flexible range of care accommodation for an aging population. The B3 provides safe and affordable housing options for seniors and persons with disabilities
- New provisions to allow for the construction and fire protection during construction of six-storey wood buildings based entirely on the upcoming 2015 National Model Construction Codes
- New building requirements to protect against radon gas
- Energy efficiency requirements for housing and small buildings under Section 9.36 of the Alberta Building Code.

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