• NSF 350-2017

NSF 350-2017

  • Onsite residential and commercial water reuse treatment systems
  • standard by NSF International, 08/26/2016
  • Category: NSF

$160.00 $80.00

This Standard contains minimum requirements for onsite residential and commercial water treatmentsystems. Systems may include the following.
  • Graywater treatment systems having a rated treatment capacity up to 5,678 L/day (1,500 gal/day).This applies to onsite residential and commercial treatment systems that treat graywater, those thattreat laundry water from residential laundry facilities, and those that treat bathing water. See 8.1 forperformance testing and evaluation.
  • Commercial treatment systems — this applies to onsite commercial treatment systems that treatcombined commercial facility wastewater and commercial facility laundry water of any capacity, andthose treatment systems that treat graywater from commercial facilities with capacities exceeding 5,678L/day (1,500 gal/day). These systems shall be performance tested and evaluated at the location of thereuse system installation, using the wastewater generated onsite from the facility serving the treatmentsystem. See 8.3 for performance testing and evaluation. The key elements of a field evaluatin of acommercial treatment system are described in Annex A.
Management methods and end uses appropriate for the treated efflent discharged from onsite residentialand commercial treatment systems meeting Class R (single family residential) or Class C (multi-family andcommercial facilitiesds) requirements of this Standard include indoor restricted urban water use, such astoilet and urinal flushing, and outdoor unrestricted urban water use, such as surface irrigation. Effluentquality criteria consistent with these uses are described in 8.6, Criteria.
This Standard is intended to address public health and environmental issues. Actual performance for anysite or system may vary, depending on variations in raw water supply (such as alkalinity and hardness),wastewater constituents, and patterns of use. The end use of the effluent is the responsibility of the owner,design professionals, and regulatory officials.
System components covered under other NSF or NSF/ANSI standards or criteria shall also comply with therequirements therein. This Standard shall in no way restrict new system designs, provided such designsmeet the minimum specifications described herein.

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Silver Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 40Ag - 30Cu - 30Zn 1245 to 1340 ¿¿F (674 to 727 ¿¿C) Solidus-Liqu..

$41.00 $81.00



Silver Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 56Ag - 22Cu - 17Zn - 5.0Sn 1145 to 1205 ¿¿F (618 to 652 ¿¿C) Soli..

$41.00 $81.00



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$41.00 $81.00



Silver Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 92.5Ag - 7.2Cu - 0.22Li 1435 to 1635 ¿¿F (779 to 891 ¿¿C) Solidus..

$41.00 $81.00