• NSF 401-2017a

NSF 401-2017a

  • Drinking Water Treatment Units - Emerging Compounds/Incidental Contaminants
  • standard by NSF International, 10/27/2017
  • Category: NSF

$165.00 $83.00

1.1 Purpose
It is the purpose of this Standard to establish minimum requirements for materials, design andconstruction, and performance of drinking water treatment systems that are designed to reduce specificemerging compounds/incidental contaminants in public or private water supplies, such as pharmaceutical,personal care products, and endocrine disrupting compounds. This Standard also specifies the minimumproduct literature and labeling information that a manufacturer shall supply to authorized representativesand system owners as well as the minimum service-related obligations that the manufacturer shall extendto system owners.
1.2 Scope
The point-of-use and point-of-entry systems addressed by this Standard are designed to be used for thereduction of specific substances that may be present in drinking water (public or private) considered to bemicrobiologically safe and of known quality. Systems covered under this Standard are intended to reducesubstances that are at very low, yet measurable concentrations but not at definitive concentrations ofknown health concern. These substances may be soluble or particulate in nature but their presence, evenat very low concentrations, may influence public acceptance/perception of the drinking water quality. Thesystems addressed by this Standard are not intended for reducing these specific substances at higherconcentrations that may have a known acute or chronic health effect. It is recognized that a system maybe effective in reducing one or more of the emerging compounds/incidental contaminants listed in thisStandard. It is not necessary that a device be able to reduce all the emerging compounds/incidentalcontaminants listed in order to meet the requirements of this Standard. Systems with components orfunctions covered under other NSF or NSF/ANSI standards or criteria shall conform to the applicablerequirements therein.

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