• NSF 42-2005e

NSF 42-2005e

  • Drinking Water Treatment Units - Aesthetic Effects
  • standard by NSF International, 05/15/2006
  • Category: NSF

$220.00 $110.00

The point-of-use and point-of-entry systems addressed by this Standard are designed to be used for the reduction of specific substances that may be present in drinking water (public or private) considered to be microbiologically safe and of known quality. Systems covered under this Standard are intended to reduce substances affecting the aesthetic quality of the water or to add chemicals for scale control, or both. Substances may be soluble or particulate in nature at concentrations influencing public acceptance of the drinking water. It is recognized that a system may be effective in controlling one or more of these substances but is not required to control all. Systems with components or functions covered under other NSF or NSF/ANSI standards or criteria shall comply with those applicable requirements.

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SAE J1615_201608

SAE J1615_201608

Thread Sealants..

$41.00 $81.00



Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 15Cr - 4.5Ni - 0.30Cb (Nb) - 3.5Cu Consumable El..

$41.00 $81.00



Steel, Extra High Toughness, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Rings, and Extrusions 13Cr -..

$41.00 $81.00

SAE J2450_201608

SAE J2450_201608

Translation Quality Metric (Stabilized: Aug 2016)..

$41.00 $81.00