• NSF 44-2016

NSF 44-2016

  • Residential Cation Exchange Water Softeners
  • standard by NSF International, 07/07/2016
  • Category: NSF

$210.00 $105.00

The purpose of this Standard is to establish minimum requirements for materials, design and construction, and performance of residential cation exchange water softeners. This Standard also specifies the minimum product literature that manufacturers shall supply to authorized reqpresentatives and owners, as well as the minimum service-related obligations that manufactuers shall extend to owners.
The manual, autoinitiated, and demand-initiated regeneration residential cation exchange water softeners addressed by this Standard are designed to be used for the removal of hardness and the reduction of specific contaminants from drinking water supplies (public or private) considered to be microbiologically safe and of known quality. Systems with components or functions covered under other NSF or NSF/ANSI Standards or Criteria shall conform to the applicable requirements therein.

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