• NSF 5-2016

NSF 5-2016

  • Water Heaters, Hot Water Supply Boilers, and Heat Recovery Equipment
  • standard by NSF International, 01/28/2016
  • Category: NSF

$105.00 $53.00

This Standard contains requirements for heat recovery equipment and equipment intended to provide hot water heated by electricity, gas, steam, or oil. The types of equipment covered by this Standard include, but are not limited to: automatic storage water heaters, circulating water heaters, hot water supply boilers, and steam heat exchangers. Instantaneous water heaters used to heat water other than for beverages are covered under this Standard. Boilers used for space heating are not covered under this Standard.

Materials and components covered under other NSF or ANSI Standards or Criteria shall also comply with the requirements therein. This Standard is not intended to restrict new design, provided such design meets the minimum specifications described herein.
This edition of the Standard contains the following revision:
Issue 7
This revision updated the Normative References and boilerplate language in: 1.4 Measurement.


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Cobalt Alloy, High Temperature Brazing Filler Metal 50Co - 8.0Si - 19Cr - 17Ni - 4.0W - 0.80B 2050 t..

$41.00 $81.00



Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 57Ni - 19.5Cr - 13.5Co - 4.2Mo -..

$41.00 $81.00

SAE AMS5629/H1000

SAE AMS5629/H1000

Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Rings, and Extrusions, 13Cr - 8.0Ni - 2.2Mo - 1.1A..

$41.00 $81.00



Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 70Ni - 2.5Mn - 15.5Cr - 3.0Ti - 7.0Fe..

$41.00 $81.00