• NSF 53-2013

NSF 53-2013

  • Drinking water treatment units - Health effects
  • standard by NSF International, 06/11/2013
  • Category: NSF

$220.00 $110.00

The point-of-use and point-of-entry systems addressed by this Standard are designed to be used for thereduction of specific substances that may be present in drinking water (public or private). Thesesubstances are considered established or potential health hazards. They may be microbiological,chemical, or particulate (including filterable cysts) in nature. It is recognized that a system may beeffective in controlling one or more of these contaminants, but systems are not required to control all.Activated carbon filter systems covered by this Standard are not intended to be used with water that ismicrobiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after the system.

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