• NSF 60-2016

NSF 60-2016

  • Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals - Health Effects (Includes Amendment)
  • standard by NSF International, 03/09/2016
  • Category: NSF

$380.00 $190.00

This Standard contains health effects requirements for drinking water treatment chemicals that aredirectly added to water and are intended to be present in the finished water. This Standard also containshealth effects requirements for other chemical products that are directly added to water but are notintended to be present in the finished water. Chemicals covered by this Standard include, but are notlimited to, coagulation and flocculation chemicals, softening, precipitation, sequestering, pH adjustment,and corrosion/scale control chemicals, disinfection and oxidation chemicals, miscellaneous treatmentchemicals, and miscellaneous water supply chemicals.
Contaminants produced as by-products through reaction of the treatment chemical with a constituent ofthe treated water are not covered by this Standard.
Acknowledging the fact that indigenous microorganisms may be present in drinking water, productsresulting in the intentional introduction of microorganisms for the treatment of drinking water are excludedfrom the scope of the Standard.

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