• NSF 75-2000

NSF 75-2000

  • Non-Potentially Hazardous Foods
  • standard by NSF International, 11/10/2000
  • Category: NSF

$130.00 $65.00

Purpose: This Standard will provide test methods and evaluation criteria to allow for the determination that a product does not require storage in a refrigerator for safety. This Standard is intended to provide the mechanism for laboratory evidence to demonstrate that the rapid and progressive growth of infectious or toxigenic microorganisms cannot occur. This Standard does not provide a means or methodology for determining whether a food product has been adulterated. This Standard is intended only to be applied to the items indicated in the scope. It is not implied that products excluded from the scope of this Standard are innately safe.
Scope: This Standard contains requirements for food products that: are intended to be held without temperature controls during transportation, holding, display, sale, or use; and are considered to be potentially hazardous; and are rendered non-potentially hazardous by formulation or through a manufacturing process or both; and re included in one of the following categories: specialty breads or pastries containing fresh, canned, frozen, or rehydrated vegetables or soft cheeses added prior to baking; bakery products including specialty breads or pastries filled or topped with cream, creme, custard, or cheese after baking; products filled prior to baking such as pumpkin, sweet potato, custard or meringue pies; toppings, glazes, icings, or fillings stored without temperature control prior to use in other products. The scope of this Standard also includes food products which meet the above requirements and are a component of a food product, are processed into a finished fully assembled form for sale or use by a food establishment, or have been processed into an unfinished, fully assembled form and are intended to be finished at a food establishment for sale or use by the food establishment.

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