• NSF P423

NSF P423

  • NSF Protocol P423: Electrochemically Activated Water Cleaning and Sanitizing Devices in Commercial Food Operations
  • standard by NSF International, 10/01/2012
  • Category: NSF

$35.00 $18.00

This protocol describes the requirements for the safety and effectiveness of engineeredelectrochemically activated sanitizer devices and their applicability to produce a cleaner andsanitizer that could be used as a substitute for chemical sanitizers to be used on food contactsurfaces in commercial food operations.
For the purposes of this protocol, it is assumed that the product manufacturer would specify thata batch of sanitizing solution would be created and consumed in the same 24-hour period. If aportion of a solution would remain unused after a 24-hour period, that solution would bediscarded in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and applicable regulationsand a fresh solution would be made.

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