Part 9: Advanced Particulate Materials & Processes - Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials-2015
- Conference Proceeding by Metal Powder Industries Federation, 201
- Category: MPIF
Contains ten papers with the following titles:
- Warpage and Shape Distortion in Laser Metal Sintering by Xuan Wang
- Optimization of Spark Plasma Sintering Tooling Design by Diletta Giuntini, Eugene A. Olevsky, Jan Raethel, Mathias Herrmann, and Alexander Michaelis
- Flash Spark-Plasma Sintering of Powder Carbides by Eugene A. Olevsky
- Spark Plasma Sintering of Ultrafine Grained Nickel and AISI 316L and Functional Properties Characterization by Clement Keller, Gael Marnier, Kostiantyn Tabalaiev, Eric Hug, Lucia Garcia De La Cruz, and Jacques Noudem
- On the Formation of Dispersed Microstructures in Fe-Cu based Metastable Liquid-Liquid Phase Separated Powders via Rapid Solidification by Tyler Slinger, Iver Anderson, Trevor Riedemann, and Ross Anderson
- Important Factors in Lower cost Production of Primary Ti Metal Powder by Direct Reduction of Ti-slag by H. Lefler, Y. Zhang, Y. Xia, and Z. Zak Fang
- Densification Study of TiH2 Powder Compacts by Robert Frykholm and Benjamin Brash
- Aluminum Processed Using Different Pressing and Sintering Routes for Commercial and Defense Applications by Bhanu Chelluri and Edward Knoth
- Consistency of the Induction Heat Treat Process: Case Study by Suresh Shah, Gilbert Schluterman Jr., and Jeff Hamilton
- Ni-Based Superalloy Powder Processed Porous Layer For Combustor Airfoil Cooling by Emma M. White, Andrew J. Heidloff, David J. Byrd, Ross D. Anderson, and Iver E. Anderson

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