• PEI RP800-08

PEI RP800-08

  • Recommended Practices for Installation of Bulk Storage Plants
  • Recommended Practice by Petroleum Equipment Institute, 2008
  • Category: PEI

$195.00 $98.00

Recommended Practices for Installation of Bulk Storage Plants (PEI/RP800-08) provides a basic reference that consolidates published and unpublished information from equipment manufacturers, contractors, installers, bulk-plant facility owners, and regulators describing recommended practices for the construction of new petroleum bulk-storage systems.
The document applies to underground, aboveground, atmospheric, and shop-fabricated tanks, associated piping, diking, spill containment, and equipment intended for the bulk storage and transfer of petroleum, biofuels, and related products to and from wheeled delivery-vehicle tanks. The recommended practices apply to single- and double-walled horizontal and vertical tanks, as well as insulated and fire-protected (resistant) tanks.
PEI has written this document to help maximize system efficiency; prevent surface and groundwater contamination; minimize environmental hazards; reduce safety hazards and avoid practices that will needlessly increase installation costs.

All of our standards document are available in PDF (Portable Document Format), an electronic, downloadable format.You will be able to download the file in your account downloads.

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