• PIM Compilation I - Powders, Binders and Feedstocks - A collection of technical literature on Powder Injection Molding, 2007 Edition

PIM Compilation I - Powders, Binders and Feedstocks - A collection of technical literature on Powder Injection Molding, 2007 Edition

  • standard by Metal Powder Industries Federation, 2007
  • Category: MPIF

$100.00 $50.00

This series of PIM publications is a collection of technical manuscripts as presented at the annual MPIF conferences from 2000 through 2006, and recorded in the subsequent official conference proceedings Advances in Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials. The intent of this series is to present a single source for review of the current developments of the PIM process as offered through the annual MPIF conference.
The series comprises four parts, this being the first, "PIM Compilation I - Powders, Binders and Feedstocks." The other parts of the series are "PIM Compilation II - Molding, Debinding, Sintering," "PIM Compilation III - Secondary Processing and Material Properties," and "PIM Compilation IV - Applications and Management Issues."

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