• SAE AMS4779G


  • Nickel Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 94Ni - 3.5Si - 1.8B 1800 to 1950 °F (982 to 1066 °C) Solidus-Liquidus Range
  • standard by SAE International, 02/09/2012
  • Category: SAE

$81.00 $41.00

This specification covers a nickel alloy in the form of wire, rod, strip, foil, and powder and a viscous mixture (paste) of the powder in a suitable binder.

This filler metal has been used typically for joining corrosion and heat resistant steels and alloys requiring corrosion and oxidation resistant joints with good strength at elevated temperatures, but usage is not limited to such applications. This filler metal may also be used as a corrosion and oxidation resistant hard coating.

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