• SAE AMS6490H


  • Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 4.0Cr - 4.2Mo - 1.0V (0.77 - 0.85C) (M-50) Premium Aircraft-Quality for Bearing Applications Co
  • standard by SAE International, 05/14/2014
  • Category: SAE

$81.00 $41.00

This specification covers a premium aircraft-quality, low-alloy steel in the form of bars, forgings, mechanical tubing, and forging stock.

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SAE J1707_201111

SAE J1707_201111

Service Maintenance of SAE J1703 and J1704 Brake Fluids in Motor Vehicle Brake Systems..

$41.00 $81.00

SAE J1732_201111

SAE J1732_201111

HFC-134a (R-134a) Refrigerant Recovery Equipment for Mobile Automotive Air-Conditioning Systems (Sta..

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SAE J2196_201111

SAE J2196_201111

Service Hose for Automotive Air Conditioning (Stabilized: Nov 2011)..

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SAE J2211_201111

SAE J2211_201111

Recommended Service Procedure for the Containment of HFC-134a (R-134a) (Stabilized: Nov 2011)..

$41.00 $81.00