• SAE ARP1307B


  • Measurement of Exterior Noise Produced by Aircraft Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) and Associated Aircraft Systems During Ground Op
  • standard by SAE International, 04/09/2013
  • Category: SAE

$81.00 $41.00

Test procedures are described for measuring noise at specific receiver locations (passenger and cargo doors, and servicing positions) and for conducting general noise surveys around aircraft. Procedures are also described for measuring noise level and directivity at noise source locations to facilitate the understanding and interpretation of the data.

Requirements are identified with respect to instrumentation; acoustic and atmospheric environment; data acquisition, reduction and presentation, and such other information as is needed for reporting the results.

This document makes no provision for predicting APU or component noise from basic engine characteristics or design parameters, nor for measuring noise of more than one aircraft operating at the same time.

No attempt is made to suggest acceptable levels of noise or suitable subjective criteria for judging acceptability. ICAO Annex 16 Volume I Attachment C provides guidance on recommended maximum noise levels.

This Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) describes standard conditions and procedures for measuring, analyzing and reporting noise resulting from operation of on-board APUs and associated equipment of aircraft undergoing servicing.

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SAE AMS3867/2C

SAE AMS3867/2C

Boron Filament Tape, Epoxy-Resin-Impregnated Type B5.6-E374 (Type B0.142-E190) (Stabilized: Oct 2016..

$41.00 $81.00

SAE AMS3867/3C

SAE AMS3867/3C

Boron Filament Tape, Epoxy-Resin-Impregnated Type B8.0-E374 (Type B0.203-E190) (Stabilized: Oct 2016..

$41.00 $81.00

SAE AMS3867/4B

SAE AMS3867/4B

Boron Filament Tape, Epoxy-Resin-Impregnated Type B4.0-E180 (Type B0.102-E82) (Stabilized: Oct 2016)..

$41.00 $81.00

SAE AMS3867/5B

SAE AMS3867/5B

Boron Filament Tape, Epoxy-Resin-Impregnated Type B5.6-E180 (Type B0.142-E82) (Stabilized: Oct 2016)..

$41.00 $81.00