- Bolts and Screws, Nickel Alloy, UNS N07718 Tensile Strength 185 ksi, Fatigue Rated, Procurement Specification
- standard by SAE International, 08/30/2012
- Category: SAE
This procurement specification covers aircraft-quality bolts and screws made of corrosion and heat resistant, age hardenable nickel base alloy of the type identified under the Unified Numbering System as UNS N07718. The following specification designations and their properties are covered: AS7466 185 ksi minimum ultimate strength at room temperature; 155 ksi minimum ultimate tensile strength at 800 degrees F; 105 ksi tension to 10.5 ksi tension fatigue at room temperature; AS7466-1 185 ksi minimum ultimate tensile strength at room temperature; 111 ksi minimum ultimate shear strength at room temperature.

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