SAE J2655_201509
- Fastener Part Standard - Washers and Lockwashers (Inch Dimensioned)
- standard by SAE International, 09/22/2015
- Category: SAE
This SAE Part Standard covers selected inch dimensioned washers and lock washers manufactured in accordance with American Society for Mechanical Engineers dimensional standards. This SAE standard covers material most often used in ship systems and equipment but its use may be applied wherever washers of the covered materials are used. This standard permits the washers to be identified and ordered by a part identification number (PIN) as defined in this standard.
Appendix A provides a means of establishing PINs for non-standard flat washers.
Appendix B establishes standards for lock plates and tab lock washers often used in Navy designs.
Appendix C identifies other military and non-government standards for flat washers, helical and toothed lock washers. It identifies the materials covered by each standard with a comparison of those dimensions with those SAE J2655 washers.

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