• SAE J2718_201811

SAE J2718_201811

  • Test for Tire Quasi-Static Longitudinal Force versus Longitudinal Displacement and Quasi-Static Lateral Force versus Lateral For
  • standard by SAE International, 11/20/2018
  • Category: SAE

$81.00 $41.00

This SAE Recommended Practice describes application of two closely related test procedures, which together determine the linear range longitudinal and lateral stiffnesses of a statically loaded non-roating tire. The procedures apply to any tire so long as the equipment is properly sized to correctly conduct the measurements for the intended test tire. The data are suitable for use in determining parameters for road load models and for comparative evaluations of the measured properties in research and development.

NOTE: Herein, road load models are models for predicting forces applied to the vehicle spindles during operation over irregular pavements. Within the context of this document, forces applied to the pavement are not considered.


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