• SAE J2847/1_201105

SAE J2847/1_201105

  • Communication between Plug-in Vehicles and the Utility Grid
  • standard by SAE International, 05/09/2011
  • Category: SAE

$81.00 $41.00

This SAE Recommended Practice SAE J2847/1 establishes requirements and specifications for communication between plug-in electric vehicles and the electric power grid, for energy transfer and other applications. Where relevant, this document notes, but does formally specify, interactions between the vehicle and vehicle operator.

The primary purpose of SAE J2847/1 is grid-optimized energy transfer for plug-in electric vehicles - that is, ensuring that vehicle operators have sufficient energy for driving while enabling the delivery of that energy to vehicles in ways that minimize stress upon the grid. This can be accomplished, for example, by vehicle owners' voluntary participation in a utility controlled-charging program in return for incentives, and the specification therefore supports information flows that enable such mechanisms.

This specification supports Forward Power Flow (FPF) energy transfer from the grid to the vehicle to charge the vehicle's rechargeable energy storage system (RESS). Implementation of SAE J2847/1 is encouraged for enabling utility- or premises Energy Management System-controlled charging load management and demand response incentive programs, and vehicle communication with home area network (HAN) communications capable electrical devices.

Reverse Power Flow (RPF) is the transfer of power from the vehicle to the grid and is used to provide the utility sources of power to augment ancillary and regulatory services to control the reliability of the grid, such as to prevent grid outages. PEV to Utility Grid communications for RPF is specified in SAE J2847/3.

Beyond its primary purpose of energy transfer, SAE J2847/1 enables other applications between vehicles and the grid, such as vehicle participation in a utility-controlled charging plan (as noted above), or participation in a home-area network (HAN) of communications-capable electrical devices. The SAE J2847/1 protocol is designed to be extensible, so that as new applications emerge, additional messages can be added while maintaining support for the existing message set.

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