• SAE J3062_201506

SAE J3062_201506

  • Automotive Refrigerant Air-Conditioning Hose Requirements
  • standard by SAE International, 06/30/2015
  • Category: SAE

$81.00 $41.00

The Scope of SAE J3062 covers hose intended for containing and circulating lubricant, liquid and gaseous R134a and/or R-1234yf refrigerant in automotive air-conditioning systems. The hose shall be designed to minimize permeation of the refrigerant, contamination of the system, and to be functional over a temperature range of -30 to 125 °C. Specific construction details are to be agreed upon between the user and supplier. Requirements for the hose used in coupled automotive refrigerant air-conditioning assemblies had been included in SAE J2064. SAE J3062 separates requirements for the hose used in these assemblies into its own standard. SAE J2064 also provides the necessary values used in SAE J2727 Mobile Air-Conditioning System Refrigerant Emission charts for R-134a and R-1234yf. Mobile air-conditioning system refrigerant emissions rates are established in SAE J2727 Emission charts and are important. The certified coupling of MAC hose assemblies is required in meeting certain regulatory requirements. Therefore, the Scope of SAE J2064 has been changed to establish the assembly requirements for factory and field coupled hose assemblies. A hose which meets the requirements of SAE J3062 may not meet the requirements of SAE J2064. Bulk hose produced prior to the release of this standard could be labeled “SAE J2064” and may not meet the requirements of SAE J3062.

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