• SCTE 164 2009

SCTE 164 2009

  • Emergency Alert Metadata Descriptor
  • standard by Society of Cable Telecommunication Engineers, 08/01/
  • Category: SCTE

$50.00 $25.00

This document defines a container usable by cable system operators for the delivery of Emergency Alert (EA)metadata into the consumer domain. This metadata is designed to support cable set-top terminals which function asservers of ¿commercial video services¿ (CVS) into the home network, by providing preformatted XML-based EAdata required by such Digital Media Servers (DMS) in the home. The container, specified as being in the form of anANSI J-STD-042-A [2] descriptor, is defined only for carriage within the emergency alert signaling messagedefined in ANSI J-STD-042-A [2]. The metadata carried in the descriptor includes metadata elements conforming toANSI J-STD-070 [1], which is the standard delivery format for XML-formatted EA data in the home network.
Users of this standard should be aware that EAS is a topic which is subject to regulation and is currently underconsideration by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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