• SCTE 168-7 2017

SCTE 168-7 2017

  • Recommended Practice for Transport Stream Verification in an IP Transport Network
  • standard by Society of Cable Telecommunication Engineers, 2017
  • Category: SCTE

$50.00 $25.00

This document is identical to SCTE 168-7 2010 except for informative components which may have been updated such as the title page, NOTICE text, headers and footers. No normative changes have been made to this document.
This Recommended Practice is to give guidance about detecting errors in the IP Transportnetwork used for the delivery of media services including Video and Audio streams of datawith the associated control information to provide MPEG transport through an IP network.The IP Transport Layer operates in conjunction with other Application and Physicalcomponent layers that could also generate network impairments, this document will focuson the effect these impairments have on the detection of the cause of problems in thedelivery of media services. Common IP network events and failures are characterized withtheir impact on the MPEG transport stream in a functioning system. Every network layoutis different and presents unique configuration challenges; this document does not provideguidance on configuration of the network but does provide background information on theindividual components of the IP network as well how the IP transport network operates ina multimedia network.
This document describes the protocols within the IP network and the possible IP layercauses of media impairments but does not provide metrics that correlate specific IP failuresto media impairments. Industry accepted metrics have been provided for IP packet loss,delay and jitter.
This background on the IP network layer provides guidance to operators who are planningto deploy or are currently deploying MMM systems and, where appropriate, refers to otherHMS-MMM documents that provide supplemental information about other networkcomponents outside of the IP Transport Network.

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