• SCTE 17 2001

SCTE 17 2001

  • Carrier to Noise (C/N, CCN, CIN, CTN), (formerly IPS TP 216)
  • standard by Society of Cable Telecommunication Engineers, 01/01/
  • Category: SCTE

$50.00 $25.00

This procedure defines the measurement procedure for determining the ratio ofcarrier to thermal noise and "noise-like" interference for broadbandtelecommunications system components. The test involves measuring the noiselevels, or the combined noise plus "noise-like" intermodulation product levels,relative to the carrier level of a CW signal. The noise contribution of the testequipment is also measured to allow for correction of readings near the testequipment noise floor. The Test Procedures Introduction document (IPS TP 200)has additional definitions common to this and other SCTE test procedures.

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Automation System to Compression System Communications Applications Program Interface (API)..

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