• SCTE 28 2004

SCTE 28 2004

  • Host-POD Interface Standard
  • standard by Society of Cable Telecommunication Engineers, 01/01/
  • Category: SCTE

$50.00 $25.00

This standard defines the characteristics and normative specifications for the interfacebetween Point of Deployment (POD) security modules owned and distributed bycable operators, and commercially available consumer receivers and set-top terminals("Host devices") that are used to access multi-channel television programming carriedon North American cable systems. The Point-of-Deployment module is also known asa CableCARD™ device. These Host devices may also be supplied by the cableoperators. The combination of a properly-authorized POD module and a Host devicepermits the unscrambled display of cable programming that is otherwise protected bya conditional access scrambling system.

This standard applies extensions, modifications, and constraints to the interfacedefined in EIA-679B Part B, the National Renewable Security Standard.

This standard supports a variety of conditional access scrambling systems.Entitlement management messages (EMMs) for such scrambling systems are carriedin the cable out of band channel as defined by ANSI SCTE 55-1 2002 andANSI/SCTE 55-2 2002. Other data transfer mechanisms such as the signalingmethods of the DOCSIS version. 1.1 cable modem standard may be supported in theHost device. A cable operator is able to upgrade security in response to a breach byreplacing the POD modules, without requiring any change in the host device.

The interface will support Emergency Alert messages transmitted over the out ofband channel to the POD module and then delivered by the POD module over theinterface to the host device using the format defined in SCTE 18 2002.

It may also support Interactive Program Guide services, Impulse Pay Per Viewservices, Video on Demand, and other messaging and interactive services. It supportsboth one way and two way cable systems, as well as host devices that incorporateDOCSIS modems or telco modems.

This standard defines the physical interface, signal timing, the link interface, and theapplication interface. It includes the extended channel specification, powermanagement specifications, initialization procedures and firmware upgrade methods.


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